Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Well, that was a fun semester...

Hey party people, thanks for amking my last semester at ASU so fun. And Carol & Nancie, thank you for teaching me something I always wanted to know. My resume will be much prettier now.

But as for issues to discuss, I want to talk about "the holidays." You know how every year people spout that it's not the gift - giving that counts, and that commercialism has taken over what was once all about family and community? Well, how come we're still running around like turkeys buying nonsense? I say, let's stop giving presents, period. Not even the homemade ones you gave freshman year since you spent all your money on beer. Instead, we should be writing letters to one another, and taking one another out to lunch, and basically communicating with the people in our lives while we still have time. My grandmother isn't getting any younger and I'm not getting any less busy, so instead of a smelly candle, I'm giving her three pages of the thoughts of her granddaughter and how much I miss her. Because to me, it's more important that our loved ones KNOW how we feel about them, not that their homes smell like primrose.

So that's my idea for the season, and to spearhead this movement let me say this: you guys are all great, and I've learned so much by seeing the work you have all contributed this semester. Way to rock those font poems, and all your navbars were much cooler than mine. Good job, and good luck in all your futures.

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