Thursday, October 14, 2004

I remembered MY camera!

And boy did I employ it, but there just wasn't enough film in the world for the crap that went down yesterday. I stayed on campus all day, getting into it with the protesters (on behalf of College Republicans) at about 11:00 a.m., and not relenting until about 6:30, at which point I went home and watched the second half of the debate.

For most of the time it was most conservatives vs. liberals in the protesting and sign-waving department, but around 5 p.m. or so the REAL nutjobs started to turn out, the kind I hadn't seen up close and personal since the demonstrations against our year-long "rush to war" in 2002 and 2003.

Socialists, communists, anarchists-- all were out protesting in full lunatic force. People screaming and/or chanting "America is the number one international terrorist!", "CNN lies! Stop repeating Bush's war propaganda, Wolf Blitzer, you pig!", "Stop burning Iraqi children!", and the perennial favorite, "BUSH LIED PEOPLE DIED!"... it was wild. Only time all day I was actually fearing a genuine riot.

The highlight of the day was easily when the middle-aged dude next to me saw my Army shirt, and asked in all seriousness, "Shouldn't you be out raping and murdering and bombing innocent people??". I won't repeat here exactly how I replied, but let's just say it would make Nancie proud.

I really hope that the media coverage wasn't too full of these people, lest the world think that's who populates our fine campus. I know full well that freedom of assembly and protest is one of the things that's great about our country, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all the people who exercise that right are exactly the best the U.S. has to offer.

Also, a lot of Kerry supporters had this compulsion to stealthily deface my signs and the back of my shirt (and my girlfriend's butt) with their stickers. Grow up, Kerry supporters!
You're right I would be proud!!!
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