Thursday, October 14, 2004
The biggest mistake yesterday....
...was not committed by Kerry, or even Bush, it was committed by me. I left my camera at home. Unforgivable. I spent yesterday walking around campus observing and enjoying. Never before have I been this excited about a debate or genuinly interested in politics. Not that the debate ever had the potential to make me change my mind about who I'd vote for if I'd been a legal voter, it only served to confirm what I already knew (unfortunately for a certain Mr. Bush--it's not easy being stupid). I think the greatest thing about the debate was to see all the ASU students out there supporting their candidate, may it be Bush, Kerry or even Nader. There were a lot of funny signs, t-shirts etc with political messages on them, but my favorite was a Bush doll whose pants were on fire, and the guy was shouting: "Liar, liar, pants on fire." Good times! I just wish I'd brought my camera so I wouldn't have to rely on my short term memory to remember a day really worth remembering.